Learn the Basics of Driving before you are 17 on our safe private facility
75 mins - Only £69.00
Off-Road U17 Driving Experience
At Select we are able to offer excellent exclusive car off-road training facilities in conjunction with Dunvant RFC in Swansea. We promise this will be an enjoyable moment and one which will encourage you to progress with ease as soon as you reach the legal age to drive on the road of 17yrs. The facility has road markings showing junctions, centre, give way and edge of carriageway lines with a further circuit to develop steering and positioning. The circuits are within a controlled environment with sufficient landscaped room around the perimeter.
Off road tuition is primarily suited to 16 year olds who have their 17th birthday in the near future and would like to cover all the basics, because if you can achieve these skills before you are 17 it will give you a large boost when it comes to taking regular lessons and speed up the process of passing your test. It is also highly recommended for nervous pupils, pupils who panic easily, pupils who would like to practice reversing in a quiet surrounding and for anyone who simply would like to have a go provided they are a minimum age of 15 (Insurance minimum age requirement) All sessions are approx 75 minutes.
What would the pupil be driving? Where can the parents go, can they stay and watch?
Off road tuition is carried out in a regular Select Driver Training vehicle equipped with dual controls. Parents can either stay and watch or return at the end of the session, there are toilet facilities on-site and ample car parking.
What can you expect from a session?
You will be able to learn the cockpit drill and controls of the vehicle, move off and stop safely and if your skills improve quickly move on to turning left/right, correct use of mirrors/signals, changing gear, emergency stop and even reversing exercises & hill starts. With more than 1 session you will not only be able to try these but feel increasingly more confident with your ability.
Can I buy a special occasion voucher?
Please use the link below:
Our Vouchers are valid for 6 months from issue or from 25/12/23, whichever is the longer period.
Vouchers will be sent to the registered Paypal account holder.